New Hope Ortho-Bionomy

Mind at Ease, Body at Ease, Spirit at Ease

What is Ortho-Bionomy?

Ortho-Bionomy® stimulates the body's self-balancing reflexes. 

The Practitioner uses gentle techniques to hold you in a comfortable position that allows your body to change the stress and pain patterns that are causing discomfort, thereby alleviating pain, increasing flexibility, improving circulation, and relaxing the entire body. 

Ortho-Bionomy helps people break the cycle of pain – without creating pain.

Ortho-Bionomy also acknowledges and affirms the inner wisdom in your body that can maintain your health and well-being. Using light touch and subtle movements, it awakens a sense of natural balance for body, mind and spirit. Ortho-Bionomy is also compassionate, kind and non-judgmental.

When the body is out of balance, it adapts as well as it can, but in the process it may create patterns of even greater stress. The simplicity of Ortho-Bionomy means the practitioner and client may work together to re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore normal functioning.

Whether looking for relief from specific discomfort or a safe and effective way to ease stress and promote relaxation, Ortho-Bionomy can be very beneficial. It can also work in conjunction with other health and healing systems.


A Typical Session

Ortho-Bionomy sessions last approximately 1 hour. Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is suggested to allow full range of motion. I will work with you to identify areas of discomfort, tension and pain as well as areas of comfort and ease of movement. Gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compressions and subtle contacts are used. No forceful movements or pressures are used.

Every Ortho-Bionomy session is specifically designed around your individual needs. I will rely on your verbal feedback to fine tune-movements that best facilitate your body’s return to natural alignment. Typically, the relief of stress and tension lasts for days or longer after a session.

I may suggest self-care release techniques you can do at home. These self-care exercises further aid in relieving pain, restoring function, and rebalancing the body.

Articles about and History of Ortho-Bionomy:

Ortho-Bionomy, Teaching the Body to Remember Barry Kapke; Originally published in Massage & Bodywork magazine, February/March 2000

Spontaneous Release By Positioning Lawrence Hugh Jones, D.O., Ontario, Oregon; reprinted from The DO, Jones LH. 1964; pp. 109-116

This is the article that sparked Arthur Pauls' research and the eventual development of Ortho-Bionomy.  In essence, Ortho-Bionomy takes Jones' work and refines it, not only reducing the amount of time needed for a release to occur, but also expanding the capacity to stimulate releases in the energetic field and subtle body.

Phased Reflex Technique by Kenneth Basham, BSc, DO, FCO; and Arthur L. Pauls, DO, MCO

This article showcases the early exploration that led to the eventual development of Ortho-Bionomy.  At this point in time, Arthur Pauls was still developing Phase 4.  He had not yet conceived of Phase 5 or Phase 6 and it appears that phase 7 was still in a conceptual framework.

Proprioception: The Seventh Sense, Mark Beck; reprinted from the Massage Therapy Journal, Winter 1992

Proprioception is the feedback system of sensory input and motor activation that informs where our bodies are in time and space. It is theorized that this feedback loop gives rise to the reflexes which allow our bodies to self-correct, and thus, is the system that generates spontaneous releases in Ortho-Bionomy.

For More Information about Ortho-Bionomy, click on this Link

Ortho-Bionomy®, the Sand Dollar design, and Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® are registered trademarks of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and are used with permission.
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